5 TV Shows to inspire your Madrid Trip

If you are planning a trip to the Spanish capital, here are some television shows and SOAP OPERAS  you should watch before you visit us, to check out the city and get some insight into Spanish culture ARDE MADRID The black and white shooting did not extingish his brilliant and flamish show, wich leed us inside a back stage of parties, sex and celebrities that runaway in gray dictator Franco period. Ava Gardner’s life in Madrid in the 1960s is told from the point of view of her maid and chauffeur, both spies in Franco‘s secret service, who report on her hedonistic lifestyle, filled with an

Dal visibile all’invisibile

Alcuni anni fa un’amica mi fece conoscere il dipinto di Antonello da Messina la “Pietà” conservato nel Museo del Prado. L’emozione che suscitò in me la vista dell’Angelo che sostiene Cristo morto tra le sue braccia è difficile da esprimere a parole. La piccola tavola entrò a far parte delle collezioni del Museo nel 1967 e attualmente si trova esposto nella magnifica mostra “Un luogo di memoria 1819-2019”. Antonello da Messina è probabilmente il più importante pittore rinascimentale dell’Italia meridionale, conosciuto per la precoce ricezione della tecnica fiamminga della pittura ad olio (Giorgio Vasari nelle sue Vite lo riteneva diretto

5 Art Exhibitions to finish the Summer

Traveling is always a good idea; traveling to see priceless works of art is an even better one. These are five amazing exhibitions that will leave you feeling inspired this summer Players. Until Sept 16/2018 Nearly 200 black-and-white and colour images from 46 photographers from the prestigious Magnum agency offer a panorama of the world of play. The friendly side of photographers who have captured some of the 20th century’s most iconic images. 2017 marked 70 years since Robert Capa uncorked a champagne bottle along with Henri Cartier-Bresson, George Rodger and David Seymour to toast to the success of the now-famous Magnum photographic

Around the work of great master of the Neoclassical line, Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres.

The Prado Museum  current exhibition gives a close look at the technique of one of the most revered artists in the history of drawing and provides an occasion to learn from his example. The exhibition presents itself touches on his complex relationship with the art of portraiture, (the sacred art which has secured his place as one of the great painters of history), torn between ambition and repulsion. The works of Ingres and his very individual aesthetic represent a key movement towards the artistic revolutions of the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. He

Me and my Madrid

Let me bring you to 5 of my favorite alternative art institutions in town. “Madrid is a city of improvisation; living on the spur of the moment is part of our culture and this makes life more open and full of surprises” 1.La Casa Encendida This center of young art and culture opened the same year as we did. It curates the best of up-and-coming artists from Spain and the world, including B Wurtz . La Casa Encendida help madrilians by cultivating contemporary-art culture. 2.Palacio de Linares I´m also fascinating by spooky spots “legend has it that it´s haunted” alluding